Working Hours:

Mon – Sat: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Lunch – 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Sunday: Closed

Dinesh Prasad Singh

Chancellor's Desk

It is my proud privilege to welcome you to the BABU DINESH SINGH UNIVERSITY website. Our university stands as a beacon of higher education, a place where knowledge is cultivated, and where dreams and aspirations find wings.
Our university is committed to academic excellence, innovation, research and vibrant in respect of global prospective. Our dedicated faculty, staff, and students work collectively to foster an environment that promotes critical thinking, creativity, and social responsibility. We are in a constant race to set new milestones that reflect the ambitions of our first-class faculty members, our talented students, and dedicated administration.
As we nurture this community, we have realized learning should be continuous, and cross all borders. We believe that education is not just a means to a degree but a transformative journey that prepares individuals to face the challenges of a dynamic world.
The ecosystem of the University is not only tech-centered but is developed in such a way that it contributes to the overall development of a student. Our mission is to nurture a community of learners who will make a meaningful impact on society, be it through ground breaking research, leadership, or community engagement.
As Chancellor, I am excited about the future, and I am confident that our university will continue to excel in the pursuit of knowledge, the advancement of society, and in turn for the betterment of the nation. You would certainly find it rewarding as you journey along with us into the realms of higher education
I invite you to explore our website, learn about our programs, research initiatives, and vibrant campus life and are free to advice for the betterment in respect of learning, discovery, and others. Together, we can create a brighter tomorrow.
On behalf of Vananchal Educational and Welfare Trust, we are closely associated for the welfare of needy/deprived people of this locality and provide our best possible supports free of cost to them like marriages, blankets distribution, medical assistances, etc. time to time.
(Dinesh Prasad Singh)

“Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it.”

Mr. Dinesh Prasad Singh